Training services

Turners Occupational Health deliver MHFA training to businesses either face to face or via video call.

Our training services

Mental Health First Aid 

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which, teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. 

MHFA England training won’t teach you to be a therapist, but just like physical first aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis. 

Adult MHFA England courses are for everyone aged 16 upwards. The Instructor Training programme is accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health, and is developed to keep people safe and supported while they learn and requires an MHFA Instructor badge to train it.

Menopause awareness workshops

We provide workshops which can be offered on a full day or over 2 half days – (4 CPD points – certificated attendance) including:

  • Menopause Mindfulness 

  • Menopause Health

  • Menopause Food

  • Menopause Psychology

  • Menopause at Work 

Drug & Alcohol in the workplace

Many organisations understand the value of implementing substance misuse testing as an integral part of their Health and Safety policy, coupled with a duty of care to their employees.

Therefore, managing the risks associated with workplace drug and alcohol misuse protects colleagues, any members of the public and the individual.

Domestic violence bespoke training

Our Social Worker Julie, has over thirty years’ experience working across a range of disciplines and client groups. She has experience in supporting victims and families impacted by domestic abuse and mental health challenges. Julie delivers the following Training face to face or via Teams:

  • Domestic abuse awareness for employers. 

  • Supporting domestic abuse champions in the workplace.

  • Vicarious trauma – supporting mental health champions at work. 

  • Life coaching sessions for either individuals or as part of employee assistance when looking at staff redundancies etc.

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