Workplace Drug & Alcohol Testing

In England there are an estimated 602,391 dependent drinkers.
Only 18% of them are receiving treatment.

The importance of alcohol & drugs testing

Many organisations understand the value of implementing substance misuse testing as an integral part of their Health and Safety policy, coupled with a duty of care to their employees.

Therefore, managing the risks associated with workplace drug and alcohol misuse protects colleagues, any members of the public and the individual.

Types of testing

Regular testing

These tests take place on a regular basis, typically monthly or bi-monthly, and provide on-going assurance that your workforce are drug free. This type of testing provides the most assurance – if all employees are tested regularly, the likelihood of drug use going unnoticed is extremely small.

Random testing

These tests take place unannounced, which makes them harder to avoid for staff who are considering abusing drugs or alcohol. Random testing acts as a deterrent to potential drug users, but does not provide the concrete assurance of regular testing.

‘With Cause’ testing

If you have reason to believe that an employee may be abusing drugs or alcohol, you can request a test for that specific staff member. Similarly if you think there is a problem department, all staff in that department could be tested. We can also help you prepare training and educational materials.

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